Data Warehousing

As your business grows, making decisions that steer it in the right direction may become more challenging, mainly if all your data is housed in various places. We are often approached by businesses who have their data reporting in different systems that don’t talk to one another seamlessly.

What if you could unify your data into a single location and give precise business metrics for your business’s KPIs?

Data Warehousing is a technology that consolidates data from various sources, enabling comprehensive analysis to gain deeper insights into corporate performance.

How Can Data Sleek Help Build Your Data Warehouse?

Unlock the full potential of your business with our five core pillars of data warehousing. Let us show you how to elevate your data game and take your business to the next level. These pillars are Dimensional Modeling, Data Integration, Data Transformation, Data Governance, and Analytics. Using our team of data experts, we dig deeper into your data and find actionable insights that give you an advantage over your competition.

Our Five Pillars of Data Warehousing

Dimensional Modeling

Optimized for data storage in data warehousing, this technique enhances data structure to enable expedited data retrieval. Our tailored business intelligence (BI) systems integrate relevant facts and dimensions to meet all your reporting requirements.

With an emphasis on data storage efficiency in data warehousing, the technique of dimensional modeling allows for faster retrieval of your data. Our specialized business intelligence (BI) systems are designed to seamlessly merge the necessary facts and dimensions, providing you with comprehensive and accurate reports. We prioritize the optimization of data storage in data warehousing, ensuring that your data is readily accessible and readily available for analysis. The dimensional modeling approach allows us to create robust BI systems that cater to your unique reporting needs.

Data Integration

We love technology and place a high priority on keeping up with the latest trends in data management. We specialize in online pipeline services like Fivetran and Stitch Data to stream data into the warehouse. Then, we connect to all your data sources (like Facebook, Google Ads, ZenDesk, Segment, Braze, Web-App logs, S3, APIs, etc.) that your employees and customers use.

Data Integration can be a complex process.

Data Transformation

We use DBT (Data Building Tool) to transform your data into analytics. DBT is a development environment built for data analysts and engineers to transform data through select statements. We use DBT to write code that allows your reports to run dramatically faster! Your fears of data loss or being held captive by your data is a thought of the past with the help of Data Sleek.

Data Warehousing consolidates data from various sources

Data Governance

Data Governance is a set of principles and practices ensuring quality throughout the entire data lifecycle. It is a practical and actionable framework to identify and meet information needs. Part of managing data is the system rules,  processes, and procedures, ensuring consistency and accountability for information processes and their execution and usage. At Data Sleek, we can help you implement a data governance solution to keep your data safe, clean, and compliant and to provide a single source of truth for your data warehouse.

Data Analytics

Dimensional modeling and analytics are closely tied together. Proper modeling fact and dimension tables are essential to reporting efficiency, allowing high user concurrency while providing fast reports and flexibility. Fact and Dimension tables can generate aggregated tables that can summarize your data any way you want while providing fast report response for data visualization tools such as Tableau, Mode, Qlik,or Looker.

Leveraging the skill sets of our team at Data Sleek, you are no longer worrying about the additional man-hours it could take to pull all of your data from its independent sources. Instead, you are building toward logical and successful business decisions. We use popular methods like Snowflake Computing for warehousing and SingleStore (formally MemSQL) for fast data ingestion with real-time analytics.

Data Sleek helps your data maintain its integrity from the point of sale up to the board of directors, allowing you to rest easy at night knowing everything is taken care of.

Data Lake and AWS Lake Formation?

Data Lakes, like data warehouses, store data. However, they differ in the type of data stored – data lakes are vast pools of raw, unprocessed data whose purpose is not yet defined. Data
Warehouses are processed, structured, and filtered data stored for a purpose.

Feel free to contact us if you’re unsure whether you require either option. We’re here to assist you in making the right choice.

data lake consulting services

Data Sleek supports Data Lake Formation when applicable for future use based on business

Why Should You Choose Data Sleek?

If you are a small or medium-sized business that wants to go from “just getting by” with your analytics to seeing actionable insights in a snap, we can help. In choosing Data Sleek, your data goes from multiple locations (potentially unreliable) to a secure system that provides your business a single source of truth. Whether you need large batches of data with quick turnaround or expansive reports with simple queries, we can help.

Data Sleek can build custom business intelligence (BI) dashboards that you can use for decision-making, problem-solving, and discovering patterns hidden in your data. This allows you to navigate your business’s market and come out the winner above your competition every time.

Let us handle your data so that you can do what you do best. Contact Us today for more information.

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